Healing a Knee Injury with Essential Oils and an Anti-Inflammation Protocol

by April Tout

April Tout is a women’s holistic health advisor and herbalist. At the heart of her work is a love for the human body, a respect for individual needs, and a strategy that blends detox and herbal power with intuitive eating and plant-based nutrition. Through her own self healing and rediscovered fluid relationship to body and higher self, she shares her journey to help others discover the blessings and transformations that come with being well. Her website is www.holisticlemon.com

april tout holistic lemon

Healing a Knee Injury with Essential Oils and an Anti-Inflammation Protocol

We’ve all been there. Inflammation buildup, physical therapy, that pain that just won’t go away. If you're like me, you're pretty used to numbing or avoiding your pain, but chronic pain can be very debilitating for our lives.

My Journey 

I would consider myself very active, and many of my small sports injuries have turned into a bigger problem for my knees, back, and ankles over time. I’ve torn the ligaments in my ankle four times to date and sprained it multiple times. The second to last time threw my body over the edge.

I was told I needed surgery, and because I didn’t like the idea of cutting my ankle ligament, I took the path of avoidance and struggled with crutches. 

As with anything, numbing was not the answer, so I turned to alternative paths.

After increasing my exercise and adding more cardio to my routine, naturally, the symptoms of my ankle started to pick up again, ultimately leading to another injury. My ankle does this fun little thing where it shifts off to the side and loosens the ligament, affecting my knees and the way I walk.

I eventually went to get it checked out.

The Condition 

The diagnosis? A condition called patellofemoral syndrome, which I was born with. During that final injury to my ankle, I took a blow to the knee that displaced it just enough to severely damage it (I just so happened not to notice due to the condition of my ankle). My inattention to this caused more damage down the line.

Ultimately, I decided to incorporate sports medicine and holistic pathways to heal. Here’s what I’m doing to put my knee at ease and re-train that finicky ankle.**

**Please note I am not a doctor; this is simply my journey. 

Elanveda re-flex oil April holistic lemon

The Healing

Physical Therapy

I bet you saw this coming. I’ve been using physical therapy for the positive effects of the exercises and the benefits of knee massage to help heal and regain more muscle.

Essential Oils 

I have been using the Elanveda Re-Flex Oil as therapy for quite some time, and it is a standard in my everyday healing regime. The anti-inflammatory properties in this organic Ayurvedic blend have not only decreased my inflammation but are also therapeutic in self-massage.

Foam Rolling 

Don’t overlook this one! I have been foam rolling with the PT exercises and found it to be helpful in balancing the overcompensating muscles around my knee (thus helping to alleviate the pain).


Turmeric (with black pepper) is a healing superpower. This anti-inflammatory protocol is really helpful for my knee, IBS, and general, full-body inflammation.


**Always consult a doctor before self-treating. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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